Are food parcels not for charity organizations? Nonprofit organizations who are unable to create jobs? Organizations established to close gaps. Not the government giving people food parcels. Our government seems to need to remember its role. How can the government compete with nonprofit organizations with food parcels? The government must remember that its role is to create jobs so that the citizens do not depend on the government. Perhaps our beloved government loves having people depending on them so they can manipulate them more easily, especially for votes.
These food parcels become a norm when elections are nearing. You will see the comrades feeding our grandmother's food, but we know this is only for that day and moment. If they know the importance of having basic needs like food, why not create jobs for skilled, unskilled, and graduates so they can put something on the table for their families? Of course, they will not do that because who will they manipulate if the citizens are now independent? Unemployment is unfair but beneficial to politicians.
One must know their job and not take the job of others and want praise for something that is supposed to be done by others. How can the nation depend on food parcels when there are resources to create jobs? We see the government offering container homes to families who struggle to build a house for themselves and those affected by storms and floods, and it ends there. Unlike a built house, this container has a set of time and will perish. We can conclude that our government likes temporary solutions for permanent problems.
Our government will preach about funding for those who are into business. However, very few get funded, and tons of policies make it difficult for our less educated people to get their businesses funded. These grants are just advertisements and make it seem that there is something that the government is doing for us. It puzzles me the most when our local municipalities do not have the funds to assist in youth initiatives; why do they even exist if they do not cater to the needs of the youth? Supporting youth initiatives means grooming future leaders who will lead one day and create jobs.
We are led by narrow-minded people who do not think for tomorrow, but it is no surprise because they will not be here; we will be left with a country we do not know where to start to fix it. All that will be left is problems we cannot solve. One thing about humans is that they respect the mouth that feeds them; these food parcels will manipulate their minds and create laziness in them, knowing that the food is coming so they can relax. The time is ticking; very late, they will realize they have nothing for their time on earth. Then we have another cohort of less fortunate students crying for NSFAS who also need food parcels to survive in university. This food parcel system is becoming generational; it will start with your mother and end with you. It is time to break this chain.